What to consider with a soakaway


Managing stormwater is becoming more and more of a challenge for builders and developers who need to meet the increasing regulation to control its flow. A stormwater attenuation system provides a cost-effective solution but not all companies have the skills or know-how to install these systems themselves.

Use our attenuation tanks to collect water from the roof and surface water and store it securely. Our tanks are watertight so you needn’t worry about them leaking!

Additionally, our attenuation tanks prevent flooding occurring downstream, this is because the water is controlled and released slowly via a pumping chamber. So, if you’re looking to accommodate for increased rainfall. Control and manage your rainwater surface water runoff – our storm crates can be used for both attenuation or ground infiltration in a variety of applications.

Important factors to consider:

  • Location Soakaways should be at least 5 meters from any building and 2.5 meters from property boundaries. They should also be away from other soakaways and areas where water could become contaminated. 

  • Size Soakaways should be large enough to handle the maximum amount of water that could fall during heavy rainfall. 

  • Soil type Soakaways should not be installed in heavy clay soil, as water cannot drain through it. 

  • Water typeS oakaways should not be used for waste or foul water, as this can damage the soil and clog the soakaway. 

  • Blockages Soakaways can become blocked by silt, moss, dead leaves, and other debris. A silt trap can help prevent this. 

  • Drainage Soakaways should be connected to a rainwater drainage system using an underground drainage pipe. 

  • Backfill A layer of compacted sand or shingle should be used to backfill the sides of the soakaway. This helps protect the structure and improves water flow. 

Installed underground to prevent flooding, our crates provide you with a cost-effective solution. As they are designed to incorporate high structural strength, they can feature void ratios of up to 97%, offering enormous amounts of space and surface area through which water can infiltrate. These storm crates operate as soakaway crates – meaning that they can allow water from the surrounding soil to seep into them, aiding soil drainage, and, more importantly, they allow the attenuated storm water to slowly soak away into the earth after it is collected. The ground will naturally begin to slowly release the water it has absorbed, allowing your soakaway crates to drain away at the same rate as the natural movement of groundwater. Thanks to this method of drainage, your attenuated storm water will not cause damage to the soil or cause flooding or waterlogging – it will simply soak away. 

High strength design

If installing in a location where vehicles are present then it is important to consider vehicle loadings, our crates offer you the flexibility to install under heavily trafficked areas such as car parks, yards and roadways. We can go even further towards looking after the environment by offering you a recycled material crate for pedestrian and soft landscape areas, and the use of a soakaway crate helps provide one of the most environmentally-friendly stormwater drainage solutions.

As long as steps are taken to remove silt and grit from the incoming pipework the crate system is virtually maintenance free.

SuDs compliant

Our geocellular crate system is approved for use in Sustainable Drainage System applications. The design and functionality of a soakaway crate means that with no power input and no manual activation required, the attenuated storm water will simply seep into the groundwater and disperse naturally.

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1528 Union Street,

San Francisco CA

94123, United States

1528 Union Street,

San Francisco CA

94123, United States

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